Understanding Your Net Metering Bill

What to expect on your monthly statement with net metering

Example of net metering billing statement with arrow pointing to the important account information section

What to expect on your monthly statement with net metering

When you have an excess energy balance, the balance will be noted on your statement in the Important Account Information section. 

When there is no excess energy balance, you will be billed the actual kilowatt-hours (kWh) and kilowatts (kW) consumed based on your energy usage. You can find the net energy billed amount on page 2 of your statement. When there is no excess energy balance, there is no excess energy balance to report on your bill.   

Why is my bill higher than I expected?

  • Many factors could cause your bill to be higher than expected. Air conditioning, electrical or gas heating, pool pumps, additional residents, and new or non-energy-efficient appliances can significantly impact on your utility bill. Seasonal variations in sunlight can have a major impact on solar energy production. Solar energy production can decline substantially in the late fall and winter (snow on panels) compared to the spring and summer. 

Is your solar system performing as designed?

  • Check with your installer to determine whether your system is producing the amount of energy it was designed to produce.  

Do you have accumulated net metering credits?

  • Note that excess energy balances never offset non-energy charges on a bill (such as gas and basic service charges.)


Energy you produce

If the electricity generated exceeds the amount consumed, NorthWestern Energy will use the excess energy balance toward future bills.



Energy you consume

If the electricity consumed exceeds the amount generated, the net energy will be billed to the customer.




The difference between the energy produced and the energy consumed is net energy.


Frequently Asked Questions

Choosing the right Annual Settle-up month is important. Applicants are encouraged to examine their electrical usage patterns and renewable energy system output to make an informed decision. The available Annual Settle- up months are January, April, July, and October.  You chose your Annual Settle-up month when completing Exhibit A, Required Net Meter Application Information form.

The Annual Settle-up month is a crucial part of net metering, and it's important to understand how it works. At the Annual Settle-up month any remaining unused kilowatt-hour credit accumulated during the previous 12 months will be granted to NorthWestern Energy without compensation to you, the customer.  

Learn more

When you have an excess energy balance, the month before the Annual Settle-up month, the balance will be noted on your statement in the Important Account Information section and a reminder that your excess energy balance will be settled-up the following month. 

At the Annual Settle-up month, the excess energy balance will be noted on your statement in the Important Account Information section and a message that the meter reads on your bill have been aligned to your actual meter read.

At the Annual Settle-up month any remaining unused kilowatt-hour credit accumulated during the previous 12 months will be granted to NorthWestern Energy without compensation to you, the customer.  

Net meter registers do not reset to zero at the annual settle-up or at any other time.

No messages will be displayed in the Important Account Information section when there is no excess energy balance.

Once the settle-up month has been selected, the Applicant could choose to change their settle-up month through the One Time 12-Month Billing Period Form. NorthWestern Energy will grant a one-time change to the settle-up month for the 12-month billing period. After the one-time change has been confirmed by NorthWestern, the Applicant’s new settle-up month will become the permanent settle-up month.

Net Metered Customer One-Time 12-month Billing Period Change Form 

NorthWestern Energy will not settle up excess at the settle up month if the net meter has not been installed for 12 months, any excess will be carried over until used or until the next settle up month occurs.

If your meter read was estimated, here's what you need to know:

While NorthWestern Energy strives to have actual reads for every monthly billing cycle, there may be instances where an actual meter read is not obtained. In such cases, if you had an excess energy balance in the previous month, your current month's estimated bill will not include the excess energy in the Important Account Information section.

Your estimated bill may reflect usage that was estimated by our billing system. The system considers your past usage to determine an appropriate estimate for the current period.

To determine whether your billing read was estimated or actual, refer to Page 2 of your bill and locate the Read Code.

Once an actual meter read is obtained, any over-estimated usage will be adjusted accordingly. If there is an excess energy balance, the current balance will be noted in your bill's Important Account Information section.

Learn More About Net Metering

A graphic showing how net metering works.

Learn More About Net Metering

Net metering allows customers to generate their own electricity from solar power, small wind turbines, or small-scale hydro.

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