Learn a trade. Power your career.

Our apprentices have an opportunity to earn good wages and benefits while learning highly technical skills that open the door for rewarding, long-term careers.

Apprenticeship Programs

Invest in a Stronger Future

The finest and most highly trained workers in the country receive their training through local joint apprenticeship training committees (JATC).

NorthWestern Energy is proud to have a long history of active JATCs that train and develop individuals for careers in electric transmission and distribution line work, electric substation and relay systems, meter shops, natural gas service work, system control operators, hydro operators and more.



Taking the First Step

Crew clean up after a tree fell through a power line.

Taking the First Step

The first step to getting accepted into an electric line or gas apprenticeship program with NorthWestern Energy is to apply for an open entry-level, pre-apprentice craft position such as a groundmen, production worker, laborer or other positions within the company. These positions provide foundational work experience for apprenticeships. We post all of our open positions on our Careers page, where you can apply online. 

Once you are working as a full-time, part-time or seasonal employee, you may apply for an apprenticeship through openings announced via our standard internal job posting process. Apprenticeship programs, which combine class work with paid, on-the-job training, provide pathways to well-paying careers.


From the moment you are in a pre-apprentice or an apprentice role, you work in the field and earn:

Competitive wages


Healthcare insurance


Retirement benefits


Vision insurance


Dental insurance


Electric Line or Gas Apprentice Program At-A-Glance

A Focus on Safety

We focus on creating a workplace that fosters the safety, health and well-being of our employees as well as the safety of our customers. We are committed to preventing all accidents, injuries and occupational illnesses by ensuring our employees participate in safety education and awareness at all levels of the organization. One of our guiding safety principles is that any work-related accident or illness is an unacceptable part of doing business and that no job is so important and no service is so urgent that employees cannot take time to perform these activities safely. Your professional growth and personal safety matter to us because we believe that when you do well, we do well.

Join our team

The real power behind our company comes from our people.